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WaMu Gave Grandma's Money to Crooks

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New York Times Reporting on ICT

The article appeared on May 21, 2007.

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Saturday, April 22, 2006
Email to Andrew Samuel, Quality Service Manager at Washington Mutual
Andrew Samuel wrote me the letter in response to my letter to Faye L. Chapman, executive legal counsel at Washington Mutual. In his letter, he invited me to call him if I had any questions.

Last week, I phoned his office. His secretary, however, informed me that he was on the phone with another customer. She asked for my phone number, but I really didn't want him calling me back on my cell phone while I'm grocery shopping or something, so I asked his email address. She gave it to me. I won't post it here, because that would seem malicious. But if you would like to email Mr. Samuel, please feel free to email me.

Here is the email I sent him. It has been over a week and I have not received a response.



Tuesday, April 11, 2006
back and forth with the California Department of Consumer Affairs
A second response to the follow up email I sent the the department with short and long versions of my complaints pasted in:

My response:

Actually, I edited out the more offensive parts of points 3 and 4. Suffice to say, about as impressed with the State of California right now as I am with Washington Mutual.

I did email the Office of Privacy Protection. Not sure I want to wait on hold with the Attorney General's office.
Friday, April 07, 2006
The Wamu Blames Grandma Map
Just heard about platial.com on the radio and thought I'd give it a try.

Here's my first map:

Map of the International Conspiracy to Defaud My Grandma

Added 4 places so far. Kinda fun.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Why I Don't Bother with State Agencies
On the recommendation of the other state's investigator, I filed a complaint with the California Department of Consumer Affairs:

Here's the summary of my complaint:

Business/Professional Name: Washington Mutual
License Number:
Address (Number and Street): Various
City, State Zip: [Some City], CA 92XXX
Telephone Number: () -
Business / Professional E-mail Address:
Person whom you dealt with:
Online Tracking Number: CU-06-0404145029,
Complaint Description: I was referred to this site by an investigator
with the state of Wisconsin. Rather than repeat my tale here, I will
refer you to the blog I've been keeping that provides both short
summaries and details: http://wamublamesgrandma.blogspot.com/ Please
contact me with questions or advice. Thanks!
Purchase/Incident Date: //
Resolution Wanted: Refund my grandmother's checks
List of Supporting Documents: See blog address above:
Have I filed this complaint before: Yes
Agency Information See blog -- no help yet
Name: Tom Withheld
Address (Number and Street): 1200 Withheld Blvd.
City, State Zip: [Some City], CA 92XXX
Daytime Telephone Number: () -
E-mail Address: wamuonfraud@gmail.com

I was going to list Identity Theft Prevention, but then they're not in California and may not actually exist.

This is the response I received:

A quick scan of the directions for filing a complaint on the website of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency or the Office of Thrift Supervision indicates what a futile task that is. (They don't even offer an online form or email option.)

Thanks, C74. Can you patch me back through to R2D2 now?
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Message from State Investigator
I received the following response from the state investigator who contacted me yesterday:

Ok: never give out personal information (date of birth, address, social security, bank account) over the telephone, especially on calls that you have not initiated.

I'm glad to know at least one northern midwest state famous for its dairy products is taking forward action on this matter.

I admit my grandmother and I didn't file a complaint with any California state agencies because (1) we didn't know which one to contact and (2) we'd have no confidence it would make any difference. This message offers some encouragement and I will try to track down the appropriate state agency when I have time.

If you know a state or local agency that victims of this type of fraud can contact, please feel free to add the information in the comments to this post. I see this blog is becoming a clearinghouse/gathering point for people searching this issue and I hope it will continue.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Contacted by a State Fraud Investigator
I'm not absolutely positive it's legitimate, but her email address came from a legitimate state website. If true, a gratifying development (though, alas, I don't think her dragnet extends to Washington Mutual.)

She inquired about getting in touch with some people who have emailed me. I told her they had done so anonymously with requests I protect their anonymity, so I will respect their wishes and protect their anonymity (as I will hers.) I have forwarded her message, however.

I have volunteered to post some information here for her if it will assist her investigation. In the meantime, if you have a message you would like to forward to her concerning CCR, its clients, telemarketer fraud, or your bank, feel free to send it to me through the email link above and I will pass it along.

And hopefully, we'll soon see a New York Times headline:

Blog Helps Bring Down International Fraud Ring
