Contacted by a State Fraud Investigator
I'm not absolutely positive it's legitimate, but her email address came from a legitimate state website. If true, a gratifying development (though, alas, I don't think her dragnet extends to Washington Mutual.)
She inquired about getting in touch with some people who have emailed me. I told her they had done so anonymously with requests I protect their anonymity, so I will respect their wishes and protect their anonymity (as I will hers.) I have forwarded her message, however.
I have volunteered to post some information here for her if it will assist her investigation. In the meantime, if you have a message you would like to forward to her concerning CCR, its clients, telemarketer fraud, or your bank, feel free to send it to me through the email link above and I will pass it along.
And hopefully, we'll soon see a New York Times headline:
Blog Helps Bring Down International Fraud Ring
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