On the recommendation of the other state's investigator, I filed a complaint with the
California Department of Consumer Affairs:
I was referred to this site by an investigator with the state of Wisconsin. Rather than repeat my tale here, I will refer you to the blog I've been keeping that provides both short summaries and details:
Please contact me with questions or advice.
Here's the summary of my complaint:
Business/Professional Name: Washington Mutual
License Number:
Address (Number and Street): Various
City, State Zip: [Some City], CA 92XXX
Telephone Number: () -
Business / Professional E-mail Address:
Person whom you dealt with:
Online Tracking Number: CU-06-0404145029,
Complaint Description: I was referred to this site by an investigator
with the state of Wisconsin. Rather than repeat my tale here, I will
refer you to the blog I've been keeping that provides both short
summaries and details: http://wamublamesgrandma.blogspot.com/ Please
contact me with questions or advice. Thanks!
Purchase/Incident Date: //
Resolution Wanted: Refund my grandmother's checks
List of Supporting Documents: See blog address above:
Have I filed this complaint before: Yes
Agency Information See blog -- no help yet
Name: Tom Withheld
Address (Number and Street): 1200 Withheld Blvd.
City, State Zip: [Some City], CA 92XXX
Daytime Telephone Number: () -
E-mail Address: wamuonfraud@gmail.com
I was going to list Identity Theft Prevention, but then they're not in California and may not actually exist.
This is the response I received:
Thank you for contacting the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA). We are unable to link to your blog; however, if you are experiencing problems with a bank, we recommend you contact the following agencies for possible assistance:
The Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) regulates and licenses state banks, state savings and loans, trust companies, state offices of foreign banks, issuers of travelers checks and payment instruments (money orders), transmitters of money abroad, state credit unions, and industrial loan (thrift and loan) companies. For further information, please contact the DFI directly at the following:
California Department of Financial Institutions
801 K Street, Suite 1009
Sacramento, CA 95814
Telephone: (916) 322-5966
Web site: http://www.dfi.ca.gov
Banks that contain the word "National" or the initials "N.A.", are national banks and regulated by the (federal) Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. You may contact this office directly at the following:
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
50 Fremont Street, Suite 3900
San Francisco, CA 94105-2292
Telephone: (415) 545-5900 (general information)
Toll free: (800) 613-6743
Fax: (713) 336-4301
Web site: http://www.occ.treas.gov
Again, thank you for contacting the DCA. We are pleased to provide you with this information.
A quick scan of the directions for filing a complaint on the website of the
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency or the
Office of Thrift Supervision indicates what a futile task that is. (They don't even offer an online form or email option.)
Thanks, C74. Can you patch me back through to R2D2 now?
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